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The Trump Administration

On the 8th November 2016, the USA elected its 45th President, Donald Trump amid an election campaign considered to be one of the most divisive, confrontational and contentious in the nation’s history. During the hand-over period with President Obama, we are starting to see the anecdotal accounts of the fall-out that has left the world reeling. In the USA, these include allegations that the Russians influenced the outcome of the election, the multiple racial, anti-Semitic and homophobic incidents which have erupted all over the country as Trump supporters turn on migrants, Muslims, women and gay people and the extraordinary threat by members of the electoral college to challenge the validity of the electoral laws which bind them as well as the Electoral College’s request for a briefing from security agencies before they voted to endorse the election’s outcome.[1]

Internationally, the Trump Effect is already having an impact even though the man himself will only take office at the end of January. Companies and businesses hoping to profit from Trump’s economic policies have seen their shares soar. Nations fearing his anti-trade stance have seen the value of their currencies plunge against the US dollar while Governments of all persuasions are recalibrating and adjusting their policies on trade, defense and immigration.

Nature of the Administration

In order to get a glimpse into the characteristics of a Trump presidency, a beginning has to be established, and the inauguration of a president is just such a beginning-- the birth of a presidency. Looking at the inauguration chart[2] for Donald Trump, the first thing to look at is Taurus rising in the east. Since the presidential inauguration always occurs on the same day and at the same time, Taurus will always be rising. As this is the chart of an Administration, it is important to look at the Ascendant as it is the primary statement of the nature of any beginning and the inauguration signals the beginning of the Trump presidency. The lord of the Ascendant is Venus, and she is in her exaltation in Pisces in the eleventh house. Her good condition and placement suggests that this endeavour has auspicious beginnings however she makes a tight sextile to Pluto suggesting that drama and crises will flavour the administration. Additionally, the underlying factors of money or wealth will possibly be the triggers for this. Now we know that Donald Trump’s enormous wealth has been the primary focus but it is interesting to note that in the lead-up to the inauguration, Trump is putting together what will be the wealthiest administration in modern American history. His announced nominees for top positions include several multimillionaires, an heir to a family mega-fortune and two Forbes-certified billionaires. [3] This is indeed an administration characterised by wealth and it will colour and influence US policies and decisions over the next four years.

The eleventh house of the Administration chart also has Neptune and Mars residing there suggesting that the Administration and its elected representatives in the Congress and the Senate comes across as idealistic or subscribing to an ideal expressed by Trump as “making America great again”. However, the lord of the Pisces eleventh is Jupiter in Libra in the sixth house in an applying sextile to Saturn. This is an interesting statement as one could say that the ideals of the elected representatives eventually meet with reality (Saturn). Saturn rules the ninth, the MC and the tenth houses. Expect the reality checks to come from foreign factors such as trade and treaties (ninth), public image and aspirations (MC and tenth). Additionally, with Saturn in the eighth house, these reality checks will cause difficulties especially in financial sectors[4]. Jupiter will perfect the sextile in August 2017 after a period of retrogradation describing a period of small victories for the Administration after a frustrating time but even these will not be enough to quell a rising tide of disquiet from both Congress, represented by the eleventh house and the world financial markets represented by the eighth house.

Mars is in a separating square to Saturn while Venus is in an applying square, both reinforcing the notion that reality checks follow quickly in the footsteps of the Inauguration. Mars rules the twelfth and seventh houses suggesting that secrets and hidden forces will be operating behind the scenes in order to influence elected representatives (eleventh house) as well as foreign alliances and opponents (seventh house). Apart from ruling the Ascendant, Venus also rules the sixth so expect that working conditions, employment and the public sector including the military will be at the forefront of policies that will emerge from the Trump Administration. Interestingly, Venus will enter her retrograde period this year. Venus stations retrograde approximately once every eighteen months, and transits in retrograde motion for about 40 days. What is significant is that Venus plays a prominent role in the Trump Inauguration chart where she is exalted in Pisces in the powerful eleventh house. This year Venus retrogrades between the 4th of March and the 15th April and it will be interesting to see which issues the Trump Administration chooses to focus on in its first year in office. Be prepared to see some populist moves that may look very good and appear positive but may have some hidden barbs for the ordinary worker.

Jupiter-Uranus Promises

The Inauguration Chart captures the Jupiter-Uranus opposition forming a T-square with Pluto as the apex planet. The Jupiter Uranus cycle occurs every fourteen years and, brings brief and intense periods of innovation, creativity and a literal loosening of bonds. It embodies the notion of liberating acts, ideas and ideals which are fresh, new and exciting but which also bring about suffering for those that dare to ‘fan the flames’ of awareness, dissent or inspiration. The energy of the Jupiter Uranus cycle is that of the pursuit of an ideal no matter what the consequences. At the opposition, there is a breakthrough or literally breaks in the bonds that may have once united forces in favour of a particular ideal or set of ideas.

Although short in relation to other cycles, Jupiter-Uranus is significant at the moment as this current cycle is very different. The conjunction, which took place in 2010-11[5] was different to previous conjunctions for several reasons: (1) this was the first series of three conjunctions that changed signs (all three are not in the same sign) in 1,201 years, (2) the first of the three conjunctions that began this cycle (on 8 June 2010) is in the first (zero) degree of Aries, a cardinal sign[6], (3) the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on the 8th June was followed by a tumultuous T-square in July and August involving Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto. All these planets featured in similar, difficult aspects only twice in the last 110 years: in 1931 and in 1965-1966. What we have now is a picture of a cycle which augurs difficulties, upsets, confrontation and violent reaction leading to uncertainty and instability. Additionally, the Liber Hermetis describes the first face of Aries[7] as follows:

The first decan of Aries has the face of Mars. Its name is Aulathamas. It is an armed sign, upright, walking, having the likeness of a man, standing on feet like claws, holding above his head a double sided battle axe with both hands….[8]

In 2011 politics in the USA was defined by bleak economic conditions, partisan division in Congress that brought bitter gridlock to Washington, and the prospect that Barack Obama might become a one-term president.[9] The country’s recovery from the effects of the Global Financial Crisis was stalled due to the EU sovereign debt crisis and for many, employment prospects bottomed out especially in the manufacturing sector while banks and multinationals were buffered by either protective legislation or federal intervention.

Now as the cycle comes to the opposition[10] the consequences of the actions taken seven years ago are enshrined in the Inauguration chart. Pluto as the apex planet suggests that the expression of the Jupiter-Uranus cycle is realized, among other things in the rise of a Plutocracy, that is government by the wealthy[11]. Pluto sits in the ninth house suggesting that the Plutocracy is associated with overseas trade and treaties but also in certain ideological or philosophical world views which espouse the importance of wealth, its generation and preservation. This certainly reflects not only Trump but also the Administration he is assembling around him. Trump’s picks reveal a penchant for military brass, political outsiders, Wall Street titans and ... white men. The picks do not betray a particular faith in the value of prior government experience.[12] What is also interesting is that this rise of neo-conservative political forces has come about as a direct response by the population to the entrenched political hierarchy. The seeds of this started in 2010-11 with the rise of the Tea Party and its results are seen in the election of a US President whose personal fortune defies his populist views and appeal. One commentator summed up Trump’s appeal: “For his followers, this is the first time a major political figure has quit with the defensive BS and started saying it the way it is”.[13]

The People

But what will be the population’s position or its place in this new Administration? Looking at the Moon as the representative of the people, we see it is in Scorpio, in its Fall in the seventh house conjunct the Descendant. The Moon’s condition is poor however it sits in an angular house and an essentially debilitated planet which is accidentally dignified is a planet to be wary of. Additionally, the Moon is in a tight trine to Neptune which perfects within two hours of the Inauguration suggesting that the people and popular opinion are predicated on an ideal or illusion. The Moon rules the Cancer third house cementing connection not only with public opinion but also with the media and information in general. Public sentiment has been a potent and divisive factor in this election as the Trump campaign has hit a chord on both sides of the political divide.

The third house also rules neighbouring nations and this is reflected in the immigration and trade debate which were an important link with a disenfranchised electorate. Another commentator reflected:

Immigration and trade, and the nationalist ideas of solidarity, citizenship, and sovereignty with which they are associated, are the reasons Trump forged a gut connection with the white working class[14]

The Moon describes a people that will be at odds with the Administration given its placement in the seventh house of contentions and open enemies. It seems that the people and popular opinion will be divided as well as divisive and it will be interesting to see how popular opinion will be influenced by the populist thrust of Trump rhetoric and policy and its eventual implementation.


In closing, the Trump Inauguration chart promises an Administration that will have a lot of confidence predicated on what has been seen as a sweeping election win through many of the states yet not having the popular vote. One could say that this is a government that presents itself as ‘of the people’ but not necessarily ‘by’ or ‘for’ the people not only by its election win but the fact that the majority of its officials represent a substantial slice of national wealth. The reflection of Venusian energy in the Inauguration Chart may seem to bode well but an exalted planet has a sense of entitlement and it is this very strong image enshrined in the President-elect that will colour this Administration.

Additionally, Venus in a tight sextile to Pluto adds drama, extravagance and crises to the picture as well as an emphasis on wealth and the wealthy. An Administration that is known for its representation of the wealthy sector as well as using position to generate opportunities for wealth or using wealth to influence policy.

Mars and Saturn form a tight square suggesting that there is an iron fist within the Administration which will be wielded in the eleventh house of the elected representatives, that is Congress and the eighth house of taxes. It is suggested that there could be some draconian legislation which either winds back expenditure or increases taxes. With Mars the dispositor of the Moon, this could be difficult for the ordinary person and as the lord of the seventh, allies may find that the USA will be looking to drive harder bargains especially with treaties and alliances.

With the Moon in the seventh ruling the third suggests that the Administration will suffer from populist criticism. The Moon also rules the IC which represents the source or base of power and it is interesting to speculate how this will evolve. If we consider that Trump’s power base was embedded in populist and divisive rhetoric which appealed to voters disenchanted with the perceived erosion of social, economic and political influence, then how will they react to a Trump Administration which may not be able to deliver a great America as promised? The angular and debilitated Moon, in Fall representing popular opinion as well as the populace is what got Trump into the White House and may also be may be more dangerous than as it may just bite back. Only time will tell.

Mari Garcia

18 Jan 2017

Copyright © 2017


[1] Anthony Zurcher Could the electoral college dump Trump? BBC World News, 12 Dec 2016. Sourced at Accessed 16/12/16

[2] US Presidents since 1937 have been inaugurated into office on January 20 following a presidential election and the ceremony is timed for 12 noon. The term of a president commences at noon on that day, when the Chief Justice administers the oath to the president. However, when January 20 falls on a Sunday, the Chief Justice administers the oath to the president on that day privately and then again in a public ceremony the next day, on Monday, January 21. Sourced at Accessed 16/12/16.

[3] Jim Tankersley and Ana Swanson. Donald Trump is assembling the richest administration in modern American history. The Washington Post, 30/11/16. Sourced at Accessed 26/12/16

[4] The eight house in mundane astrology rules international finance, multinationals and interest rates.

[5] The Jupiter Uranus conjunction occurred three times: 8 June 2010 at 0°18′ Aries; 19 September 2010 at 28°43′ Pisces; 4 Jan 2011 at 27°02′ Pisces.

[6] Cardinal signs mark the turning point of the seasons and as such are considered to be inconstant and in transition.

[7] That is the term face refers to the division of the sign into ten degree segments. Also known as decans.

[8] Hermes Trismegistus, Liber Hermetis. Trans. R Zoller. Ed. R Hand. Spica Publications, 1993. Page 2.

[9] Jon Swaine, US politics 2011 review. The Telegraph, 20 December 2011. Sourced at Accessed 27/12/16.

[10] The Jupiter-Uranus opposition occurs three times: 27 December 2016 20°33′ Libra; 3 March 2017 at 22°11′ Libra; 28 September 2017 at 27°22′ Libra.

[11] The Oxford English Dictionary offers these definitions for plutocracy: 1. Government by the wealthy. 2. A country or society governed by the wealthy. 3. An elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.

[12] McCarthy, Tom Trump's cabinet picks: here are all of the appointments so far. The Guardian, 4 January 2017. Sourced at Accessed 5/1/17.

[13] Tom Engelhardt What Trump Really Means When He Says He’ll Make America Great Again. The Nation, 26 April 2016. Sourced at Accessed 27/12/16.

[14] Continetti, Matthew Stephen Miller, populist impresario. National Review, 17 December 2016. Sourced at Accessed 30/12/16.

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