An astrological consultation involves the construction and interpretation of a horoscope or birth chart, based on the person's time, date and place of birth. The birth chart can describe all aspects of life including relationships, career, family and health to name a few. Specific issues can be identified and explored in most consultations.
All consultations are done on-line via Zoom with charts sent via email the day before.
Arranging a Consultation:
Contact me via the website, or by phone or email.
Provide me with the necessary data [time, date and place of birth] and answer a few questions.
Agree on a date and time for the consultation
All consultations are digitally recorded as MP4 files and a link is sent via email so you can download the recording to your preferred device. All clients receive charts and related paperwork either as PDF's via email prior to the consultation.
All consultations must be paid for on or before the appointed time.
Payments can be made by electronic transfer, Paypal or credit card..
There are several types of consultations available:

Quintus Decimus: A Traditional View
Chart Overview: see what makes you tick!
Using traditional astrological techniques, this short astrology reading provides a quick overview of the natal chart and also incorporates a glimpse at the next twelve months.
AUD$95 -

Natal Consultation
A natal astrological consultation involvesthe construction and interpretation of a horoscope or birth chart, based on the person's time, date and place of birth. The birth chart can describe all aspects of life including relationships, career, family and health to name a few. Specific issues can be identified and explored in most astrological readings.
90 minute consultation (includes predictive work) AUD$270

Relationship Consultation
Relationships involve two individuals and togteher they create a separate dynamic. Where does each individual involved fit into each other's lives? Who does what to whom? What are the strengths of the relationship and what issues are present? These and other considerations can be addressed. Please be aware that this consultation will involve both parties.
120 minute consultation POA

Predictive Consultation
Using a series of predictive tools, this consultation focuses on where you are at now, the life matters that have come to te surface, the direction you want your life to go in, and the best way you can deal with them.
Available to existing clients only.
90 minute consultation AUD$230

Child Consultation
Being a parent is a major challenge with each child having a unique personality. Astrology can provide you, the parent with insights into your child's individual characteristics which in turn can help you provide the guidance and encouragement your child needs. An astrology reading for a child is directed towards a parent or legal guardian.
45 minute consultation AUD$100