In November 2024, the United States elected Donald Trump to a second non-consecutive term as President of the nation. As per the US constitution, Inauguration Day occurs every four years on 20th January (or 21st January if 20th January falls on a Sunday). The inauguration ceremony takes place at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC.[i] Trump will be inaugurated as the 47th president on 20th January 2025, starting his second non-consecutive term as the USA’s chief executive. By looking at the inauguration chart, we can consider how the astrology describes what the incoming administration will be like: its priorities, policies and personalities but above all the power it has been given license to wield.

Donald Trump is back in power with Elon Musk, the world’s richest man at his side. This is aptly described by the tight Sun-Pluto conjunction in the Tenth house of the Inauguration chart. Both are disposited by Saturn as is the Inauguration MC at 26 Capricorn, all redolent with the flavour of control and coercion. The Sun-Pluto conjunction is also interesting because it makes no other close Ptolemaic aspect to any other planet or point. The combination is a duet[ii] -- experience has shown that both planets will behave as if they were unaspected. The expression therefore will have the hallmarks of exclusivity, entitlement, and excessiveness. As this duet involves the Sun and Pluto one can surmise that the ‘head’ of the administration i.e. the President will be seen and act as the sole focus of power and influence. The Administration itself will also have inordinate power and influence.
The Sun’s rulership of the Fifth house suggests that the source of this power is from speculative interests and is linked to the economy through speculation in the Stock Market. The Fifth house also represents enjoyment, fun, social functions, high society, and public happiness or sorrow, ambassadors and government representatives. As the lord of the Fifth sits in such an elevated position, we can say that these matters are going to be highlighted and will be part of the basis of the Sun-Pluto placement i.e. power derived from speculation, public ‘happiness’ and strong government representation.
The Sun-Pluto conjunction is disposited by Saturn which sits in the Eleventh house describing the administration’s support as coming from friends and alliances as well as the institutions of government. The difficulty with Saturn is that it is blind[iii] to Aquarius and therefore its expression will be controlling and there be difficulty with boundaries, structures and procedures. This will test those who have thrown their support behind Trump and the in-coming administration including those in the same party. This blindness of the lord of the Eleventh house will possibly be expressed as ‘the right hand unaware of what the left hand is doing’, contradictions in direction and policy, as well as fall-outs between key figures in the administration over policy or procedural matters.
The election has handed Trump the legislative trifecta in that Republicans are in the majority in the House, the Senate and the White House. Saturn in Pisces sits with an exalted Venus suggesting that those with wealth and influence are the source of power for the new the administration. Venus is also the ruler of the Taurus Ascendant and her prime condition, exalted in Taurus and in a good house emphasises the point that wealth and perhaps entitlement predicate what the administration will pursue.
The interesting point here is that this legislative trifecta does not necessarily mean an ‘easy’ ride for the administration. Jupiter, dispositor of the Saturn-Venus conjunction in Pisces, is in its detriment in Gemini and retrograde in the First house but conjunct the cusp of the Second. Jupiter also squares, albeit widely, the Venus-Saturn conjunction. Jupiter is in a compromised condition, slow in movement and its position in an angular house suggests that this presents a level of vulnerability and may be a hazard. In a polarized America, a large political majority also means an ideologically diverse one. This will produce difficulties which will include ‘loose canons’ in the government ranks who will force either compromises or scuttle legislation. In the past two years, the Republican-led House has been repeatedly riven by leadership struggles and an often aimless legislative agenda, as a consequence of a lack of cooperation from the party’s far-right flank. This will make the passing of legislation, even the most mundane if not controversial then monumental.
Mars is in its Fall in Cancer, retrograde and buried at the nadir of the chart. It rules the Seventh house of alliances and enemies and this may see hidden or secret actions which may either create contentions or undermine alliances. A debilitated malefic can be very dangerous as it will act with little concern for anything except the realisation of its nature. Mars is also out of bounds and so will have the tendency to brutality and ruthlessness. Mercury is also out of bounds so we should be prepared to see not only unlawful or unethical actions that may be explained away by some manipulation of facts or information. This may also be experienced as opinionated, scheming, glib or inappropriate opinions, beliefs or judgements.
As we have seen from various media releases and interviews, the incoming Trump administration has identified a number of policies. Let’s have a look and see how these policies are reflected in the Inauguration Chart:
Mass deportation program [iv]
For the mass deportation, we might look to the notion of ‘exiles’ and see what the Ninth house has to say. Capricorn on the cusp of the Ninth is ruled by Saturn in Pisces. Saturn indicates hardships and harsh realities and those who are being targeted are exiled or have been forced to travel from their home countries because the harsh realities they face in their homelands give them no choice. Their illegal status gives them little or no standing and Saturn, at 16 degrees of Pisces has no dignity at any of the five levels in this degree and therefore can be deemed peregrine[v] in this position. Saturn’s condition reflects the position that many of these undocumented immigrants and refugees find themselves in: they have no place, no support and face many obstacles and hindrances as well as physical, social and cultural constraints.
We could also consider the Twelfth house as these undocumented residents have been often portrayed as dangerous criminals forming an underbelly of American society. Pisces sits on the Twelfth house cusp and Jupiter, its ruler is in Gemini in detriment. We could also look at the fact that Aries is intercepted in the Twelfth and its ruler, Mars is in Cancer, in Fall, out of bounds, conjunct the IC which is considered the bottom of the chart. This mirrors the condition and place these immigrants have: basically out of sight and out of mind, buried at the bottom of the social ladder, with no rights, no place and no way out.
End birthright citizenship
The rescinding of birthright nationality is somewhat related to the deportation program however they do present two different issues. Briefly, we could consider the Ascendant and its lord as it represents the national image and how it is defined. One could say that American nationality and citizenship which defines part of the national image is precious and sought after. Venus, as the lord of the Taurus Ascendant would be the significator of this. Venus is exalted in Pisces but she sits in a close conjunction with Saturn and Saturn is the lord of the Tenth house of government as well as the dispositor of the powerful Sun-Pluto conjunction. We may then be able to say that there is a limitation, imposed by the government to control this precious definition of a citizen i.e. birthright nationality. But it is not without its difficulties as birthright nationality is enshrined in the constitution and requires constitutional change.
Reverse climate policies and an increase in oil and gas drilling
The environment is signified by the Fourth house with Cancer on the cusp and Mars in Fall and retrograde sitting on it. The house’s dispositor is the Moon in Libra in the Sixth house squaring the debilitated Mars. This suggests that this may become a battlefield with the domestic sector including the environment and any protection it has or needs becoming a tug of war between environmentalists and the mining sector. A planet near the cusp affects the weather according to its nature and if a malefic, may negatively impact the government. This is interesting because as I write this, the Los Angeles fires have been blazing and have have killed at least 27 people, destroyed more than 12,300 structures and forcing over a hundred thousand people to evacuate. As Trump takes the oath of office, these fires which have already been linked to climate change, will pose a serious challenge to the new administration’s stated position on climate change.
Cut federal funding for schools that teach “critical race theory” and what Trump has termed “transgender insanity.
The Third house usually describes the education sector and again we have a Moon ruled house and some may call Mars as being present here too. A planet can only be in or another house and as Mars is conjunct the IC, I would prefer to say it is in the Fourth. The Moon’s rulership of the Third suggests that this policy will certainly undermine any positive development in curricula for the future. The Moon is in a tight square to Mercury in Capricorn describing the tension that is already present when these topics are raised. The funding issue is also described with Mercury ruling the Second house of finances and resources with another debilitated planet, Jupiter in detriment and retrograde, sitting on the cusp. Here we have a government that will ‘buy’ its way into the heart of its conservative support base.
Pardon Jan. 6 rioters.[vi]
This particular move is certainly anticipated by a core group of those charged and jailed for their role in the Capitol insurrection however a recent poll from Monmouth University found that 61% of respondents would disapprove of Trump pardoning people convicted over the Capitol attack.[vii] Indeed, Trump’s Vice President elect, J D Vance has said, “If you protested peacefully on Jan. 6 and you’ve had [Attorney General] Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice treat you like a gang member, you should be pardoned,” Vance told “Fox News Sunday.” He added, “If you committed violence on that day, obviously you shouldn’t be pardoned.” [viii] There has also been a reactions from groups of conservative attorneys, academics, and former federal officials and judges among them Carl Nichols, a Trump appointee who said “blanket pardons for all January 6 defendants or anything close would be beyond frustrating and disappointing”.[ix]
The Fourth house can represent law and order as well as communal harmony and we see a difficult Mars conjunct the IC and on the cusp of the Fourth. A malefic in poor condition can be more of a problem because its actions are compromised; in a strong house, they are effective and can be dangerous. Although the Fourth house is the least powerful of the angular houses, nonetheless it is still angular and therefore and planet on an angular house is empowered. Mars, retrograde and in the sign of its Fall in Cancer suggests that there is an undercurrent of maliciousness or as Ptolemy describes Mars in poor condition as:
“… cruel, mischievous, sanguinary, tumultuous, extravagant in expense, boisterous, ruffian-like, precipitate, drunken, rapacious..” [x]
This suggests that contention and subversion (Aries is intercepted in the Twelfth or by whole signs it is the Twelfth from the Ascendant; Mars also rules the Seventh house) will undermine the basis of this administration. There is also a danger that hasty actions may bring difficulties and unrest as Mars is in a tight sextile to Uranus in the First house. Perhaps as per the quotes of lawmakers, the pardoning of those charged with violent acts on Capitol Hill will imperil the notions of justice, as well as law and order and the peaceful transition of power.
The Moon’s rulership of the Fourth suggests that popular opinion is not either considered or taken into account. With the Moon in the cadent Sixth house, there is a sense that the general public may feel disenfranchised but also irritated as the Moon is in a wide square to the difficult Mars. However, these promised pardons are managed, the notions of law and order and communal harmony are at stake as the public waits to see how these are handled.
Tariffs are said to be raised on foreign countries as a way to protect American businesses, to generate federal revenue, to restrict illegal immigration and to encourage companies abroad to manufacture goods in the U.S.[xi]
Mercury as the significator of trading and the mercantile sector sits high in the chart, disposited by Saturn and in a wide opposition to a separating Mars in Cancer. Mars’ rulership of the Seventh house of alliances and treaties and Mercury's position in the Capricorn Ninth house aptly describes the Saturninan ‘cudgel’ that may be used to get the upper-hand in foreign trade but there may have to be compromises or ‘sweet deals’ to make it happen. Mercury’s dispositor, Saturn sits with an exalted Venus in the Eleventh house and makes a tight sextile to Mercury. The initial outcome may seem to be advantageous but the unwritten agenda of these tariffs may cause friction and upsets down the track with trading partners who may feel let down at best, or betrayed at worse.
Two of the major personalities, apart from Trump himself, associated with the incoming administration are Elon Musk and Senator Robert Kennedy Jr, both of whom have been controversial in their espousal of contentious and confronting theories and practices. What then brings these two men whose wealth, influence and/or pedigree into Trump’s orbit and how and where do they fit the astrological narrative?
This table shows what these three personalities bring together astrologically:

We see that the signs of Gemini, Cancer and Leo are clustered with personal points and planets as well as the sign of Capricorn, in direct opposition to the Cancer cluster. The Cancer-Capricorn opposition cluster is the most significant collectively and illustrates the connection that these three personalities have and what they bring as a collective. It is interesting that each of these men has a personal planet which conjuncts the USA’s natal Sun at 13 Cancer: trump’s mercury at 8 Cancer; Musk’s Ascendant and Mercury at 13 and 14 Cancer and Kennedy’s Moon at 13 Cancer. In some respects, they have formed an unlikely triumvirate to give voice to the American collective and personify Trump’s MAGA[xii] brand.
If we place these personal placements on the chart of the Inauguration, we can see what they bring to the in-coming government. At the time of writing, the US Senate confirmation hearings for proposed administration appointees is underway

Although Musk is not a candidate for a position in the new administration, Robert Kennedy is. Kennedy has been nominated for head of the Department of Health and Human Services but surprisingly his confirmation is as yet unscheduled. Kennedy’s stellium in Capricorn and Cancer mirrors the contradictions that he espouses and supports. His nomination has split even his conservative supporters with his green environmental stance on the one hand, and vaccine theories on the other. His Cancer stellium falls in the Third house of the Inauguration chart suggesting that information is emphasised and one wonders how he may become either a strong spokesperson for the administration or will cause division among the ranks as a consequence of his opinions.
Elon Musk is the other story. He too, has planets in Cancer clustered around the sensitive degrees. Musk is an intriguing figure: he sits at Trump’s right hand and, as of 20th January 20 will be heading the new US Department of Government Efficiency (Doge). He has risen to prominence over the last few years. He has positioned himself as the global defender of free speech , in order to soften the ground for Trump’s preferred combination of far-right populism and protectionist, tariff-driven trade approaches. His way of working is to encourage national communities and leaders to “rally against rules”, thereby empowering far-right parties, and industry leaders who have spotted an opportunity to deregulate key sectors.[xiii]
It is interesting to note that Musk’s Mars in Aquarius sits in the Inauguration chart’s Tenth house and in opposition to Trump’s Mars-Pluto conjunction. Commentators have observed that Musk has proven effective in the role of Trump’s pre-inauguration disruptor of choice, and may well be deployed in the name of the US government to continue his interference and destabilisation.[xiv] With Mars in such a prominent position one could say that Musk is poised to become Trump’s Rottweiler especially as the Inauguration chart features Scorpio on the Seventh house cusp and Aries intercepted in the Twelfth. He may indeed become an effective disruptor however there are certainly some unknown or secret matters that may undermine or be the source of undoing. Mars is also out of bounds and so we may see vindictiveness in the form of the revenge which Trump has promised to visit on those who have opposed him in the past.
Speaking of Mars, Kennedy’s Mars-Saturn conjunction sits on the Inauguration’s Ascendant-Descendant axis again highlighting how conflict, disruption and intrusion will become the centre of the new Administration’s modus operandi. This is also supported with the Inauguration’s exalted Mars in Capricorn which sits conjunct the IC, in a tight sextile to Uranus, opposition Mercury, trine Neptune – a signature of disruption and dissimulation is at the base of endeavours.
In summary, the inauguration of the USA’s 47th president brings to light the major tensions which have been bubbling beneath the surface of the American psyche. The question of power and who wields it as exemplified by the Sun-Pluto conjunction certainly picks up on this while the Venus-Saturn sextiles to the Tarus Ascendant reflecting that the Administration is supported by powerful allies as well as having a politically united legislative, judicial and executive branches.
The challenges in front of this Administration will be dealing with the expectations of their support base, their political as well as international allies. How these are dealt with, and the impact of policies on the nation will be interesting to see as the population in general, represented by the Moon intercepted in Libra in the Sixth house is in very poor condition. She is in the terms Jupiter who has little to give, retrograde and in its detriment in Gemini. The Moon’s dispositor is an exalted Venus in Pisces conjunct Saturn. The good of the people is determined by the administration signified by Saturn which rules both the MC and disposits the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the Tenth house.
Saturn-Venus is also a good indicator that populism is at the heart of what the administration stands for, with an exalted Venus, the lord of the Taurus Ascendant in the Eleventh house and sextiling the Ascendant. The other factor is the out of bounds Mercury in an exact square to the Moon suggesting that the opinions and information, no matter how seemingly far-fetched will challenge the population to make sense of what is presented to them as fact.
A final note, the Saturn-Venus also suggests that there will be a continued flow of people – the rich, the famous, the powerful – in industry and politics, both locally and internationally paying homage to the emergence of a new age of power. We have already seen this in the endorsement of the new administration from persons in various industries. The only question now is how this power unfolds and who comes along for the ride.
Mari Garcia
19 January 2025
[i] Inauguration of the president of the United States. USA Government. Source: Accessed 4/12/24.
[ii] A duet is the term used when two planets in aspect are involved only with each other, and stand apart from the rest of the horoscope.
[iii] A planet is ‘blind’ to the sign it rules when it forms no traditional aspect from its sign placement to its sign rulership. When a planet is blind to the sign it rules it will be frustrated, stressed and uncomfortable with the seeming lack of progress, or inability to control or have authority over the matters for which they are responsible.
[iv] Clarissa-Jan Lim. What Trump has said he’ll do on Day 1 of his presidency. MSNBC. December 27 2024. Source: Accessed: 29/12/24.
[v] The term peregrine comes from the Latin, “peregrino” which means to wander. A peregrine planet is a wanderer with no support and just like wanderers, have no place and are weak and often faced with many obstacles and hindrances.
[vi] Lisa Mascaro, Mary Clare Jalonick and Jill Colvin. Trump is making the Jan. 6 attack a cornerstone of his bid for the White House. AP News. 12:54 AM GMT+10:30, March 20, 2024. Source: Accessed: 29/12/24.
[vii] Chris Stein. ‘We have our country back’: convicted January 6 rioters anticipate Trump pardons. The Guardian (Australia) 5 January 2025. Source: Accessed: 14/01/25.
[viii] NBC News. 13 January 2025. Source: Accessed: 14/01/25.
[ix] Ibid. ‘We have our country back’: convicted January 6 rioters anticipate Trump pardons. The Guardian (Australia) 5 January 2025. Source: Accessed: 14/01/25.
[x] Ptolemy, C. Tetrabiblos. Trans. J M Ashmand. Ch XVIII.
[xi] Alexandra Byrne NBC News. Oct. 23, 2024, 1:28 AM GMT+10:30 Source: Accessed:29/12/24.
[xii] MAGA stands for make America Great Again – an American political slogan and political movement popularized by Donald Trump during his successful presidential campaigns in 2016 and in 2024. The term is also used to refer to Trump's political base, or to an individual or group of individuals from within that base.
[xiii] Sarah Knessel/EPA. Elon Musk is elevating Trump’s foreign policy of deliberate disruption to a new level. The Conversation. Published 17 January 2025. Source: https://thec/ Accessed: 18/01/25
[xiv] Ibid.